
The mission of Authors Alliance is to advance the interests of authors who want to serve the public good by sharing their creations broadly. We create resources to help authors understand and enjoy their rights and promote policies that make knowledge and culture available and discoverable.

Read more about our issues

Board of Directors

Paul Courant is Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Michigan. He previously served as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs as well as university librarian and dean of libraries at the University of Michigan.

Dan Cohen is Vice Provost for Information Collaboration, Dean of the Libraries, and professor of history at Northeastern University.

Carla Hesse

Carla Hesse is a Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley. A fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2009, she is a specialist in modern European History and the history of communication.

Jeffrey MacKie-Mason

Jeffrey MacKie-Mason is the University Librarian and Chief Digital Scholarship Officer at the University of California, Berkeley. He has joint appointments as a professor in the School of Information and in the Department of Economics.

Pamela Samuelson

Pamela Samuelson is a Professor of Law at the University of California, Berkeley and a Co-Director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology.

MacKenzie Smith is the University Librarian and Vice Provost of Digital Scholarship at the University of California, Davis. She is one of the nation’s leading experts in digital libraries.

Molly Van Houweling

Molly Van Houweling is a Professor of Law and a Co-Director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. She serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of Creative Commons.


Dave Hansen is Executive Director of Authors Alliance. He holds a JD and an MSLS from UNC Chapel Hill and is a copyright attorney licensed to practice in North Carolina.

You can reach Dave at dave@authorsalliance.org

Yuanxiao Xu is Staff Attorney for Authors Alliance. She holds a JD from the University of Michigan and is an attorney licensed to practice in New York.

You can reach Yuanxiao at xu@authorsalliance.org

Eric Harbseon is the Scholarly Publishing Legal Fellow for Authors Alliance. He holds a JD from the University of Oregon, an MSLIS from the University of Illinois, and a Masters of Music in Music History from Cleveland State University.

You can reach Eric at eric@authorsalliance.org

Advisory Board

Peter Baldwin
Professor of History at UCLA

danah boyd
Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, Founder of Data & Society, and Visiting Professor at New York University

Amy Brand
Director of the MIT Press

Paul Brest
Former Hewlett Foundation President; Professor of Law, Emeritus, and former Dean, Stanford Law School

Maria Bustillos, a journalist, information activist, and founding editor of Popula and the Brick House Cooperative

Paul Courant
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Economics and Information, Harold T. Shapiro Collegiate Professor of Public Policy, and former Dean of Libraries at the University of Michigan

Robert Darnton
Harvard University Librarian Emeritus, and Carl H. Pforzheimer Professor of History Emeritus

Cory Doctorow
Novelist, activist, blogger, and journalist

Michael Eisen
Professor of Genetics, Genomics, and Development at UC Berkeley and PLOS Cofounder

Edward Felten
Robert E. Kahn Professor of Computer Science and Public Affairs and Director of the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University

Michael Geist
Professor of Law and the Canada Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law

James Grimmelmann, Tessler Family Professor of Digital and Information Law at Cornell Tech and Cornell Law School

Katie Hafner
Writer and journalist

Lewis Hyde
Poet, essayist, translator, cultural critic, and former Professor of Creative Writing at Kenyon College

Brewster Kahle
Digital Librarian and Founder of the Internet Archive

Kevin Kelly
Senior Maverick Editor and founding Executive Editor at Wired Magazine

Danny Kingsley
Researcher and administrator in Scholarly Communication

Lawrence Lessig
Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and former Director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University

Jonathan Lethem
Novelist, essayist, short story writer, and the Roy Edward Disney Professor in Creative Writing at Pomona College

Amanda Levendowski, Associate Professor of Law and Founding Director of the Intellectual Property and Information Policy Clinic (iPIP) at Georgetown Law

Rebecca MacKinnon, Vice President, Global Advocacy, Wikimedia Foundation

Alison Mudditt
CEO, Public Library of Science (PLOS)

Robert Pinsky
39th Poet Laureate of the United States, Founder of the Favorite Poem Project, and Professor of Creative Writing at Boston University

Margaret Jane Radin
Henry King Ransom Professor of Law Emerita at University of Michigan

Randy Schekman
Howard Hughes Investigator and Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology at UC Berkeley, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine

Sidonie Smith
Lorna G. Goodison Distinguished Professor of English and Women’s Studies at the University of Michigan

Timothy R. Tangherlini, Professor in the Department of Scandinavian. at UC Berkeley and a leader in cultural analytics.

Harold Varmus
Co-founder of Public Library of Science, Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine

Eric von Hippel
T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management and Professor of Management and Systems Engineering at MIT

Jonathan Zittrain
Professor of Law and Computer Science at Harvard University, and Co-Founder and Director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society

Note that Advisory Board members serve in their individual capacity. Affiliations are for identification purposes only and do not imply any organizational endorsement.

Founding Members

Jasmine Abdel-khalik
UMKC School of Law

Alessandro Acquisti
Carnegie Mellon University

Prue Adler
Association of Research Libraries

Julie Ahrens
Stanford Law School, Center for Internet & Society

Ivy Anderson
California Digital Library

Jonas Anderson
American University Washington College of Law

Patricia Aufderheide
American University

Margo Bagley
Emory University School of Law

Eric Bakovic
UC San Diego

Jack Balkin
Yale Law School

Jonathan Band

Ann Bartow
University of New Hampshire School of Law

Barton Beebe
NYU School of Law

Steven Bellovin
Columbia University

Yochai Benkler

Bob Berring
UC Berkeley Law

Mario Biagioli
UC Davis

James Boyle
Duke University School of Law

Oren Bracha
University of Texas School of Law

Annemarie Bridy
University of Idaho College of Law

Tobias Buckell

Dan Burk
UC Irvine

Brandon Butler

L. Jean Camp
Indiana University

Michael Carrier
Rutgers Law School

Michael Carroll
American University Washington College of Law

Cathryn Carson
UC Berkeley

Alissa Centivany
Western University, Ontario

Margaret Chon
Seattle University School of Law

Dan Cohen
Digital Public Library of America

Julie Cohen
Georgetown Law

Cindy Cohn

Michele Collu

Robert Cooter
UC Berkeley Law

Ray Corrigan
The Open University, UK

Carys Craig
Osgoode Hall Law School, York University

Jessie Daniels
City University of New York

Primavera De Filippi
Berkman Center for Internet & Society

Stacey Dogan
Boston University School of Law

Paul Duguid
UC Berkeley School of Information

Niva Elkin-Koren
Haifa Center for Law and Technology, University of Haifa Faculty of Law

Cynthia Fuchs Epstein
Graduate Center, City University of New York

Sharon E. Farb

Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Michigan State University

Karl Fogel

Roger Ford
University of New Hampshire School of Law

Sarah Warshauer Freedman
UC Berkeley

Brett Frischmann
Villanova University

A. Michael Froomkin
University of Miami School of Law

Laura Gasaway
University of North Carolina School of Law

Steve Gass

Andy Gass

Paul Geller

Ilana Gershon
Indiana University

Shubha Ghosh

Rebecca Giblin
Faculty of Law, Monash University, Australia

James Gibson
University of Richmond School of Law

Jen Jack Gieseking
University of Kentucky

Dan Gillmor

Bobby Glushko
University of Toronto

Eric Goldman
Santa Clara University School of Law

Jennifer Granick
Stanford Center for Internet and Society

James Grimmelmann
Cornell Law School

Seda Gürses
KU Leuven

Bronwyn Hall
UC Berkeley, Emerita

David Hansen
Duke University

Paul Heald
University of Illinois

Laurence R. Helfer
Duke University

Don Herzog
University of Michigan

Robert Heverly
Albany Law School

Laura A. Heymann
William & Mary Law School

Peter Hirtle
Harvard University

Adam Hochschild

Arlie Hochschild

Kinch Hoekstra
UC Berkeley

Chris Hoofnagle
UC Berkeley Law

Martin Husovec

Tim Hwang

Steven Jamar
Professor of Law and Associate Director, Howard Intellectual Property Program

Peter Jaszi
American University Washington College of Law

Jennifer Jenkins

Michael Jordan
UC Berkeley

Eran Kahana
Stanford Law School; Maslon LLP

Brian Kahin

Amy Kapczynski

Ethan Katsh
National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution

Ariel Katz
University of Toronto Faculty of Law

Christopher Kelty

John Leslie King

John Kingdon
University of Michigan

Kirsten Kingdon

Pushpa Kumar Lakshmanan
Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, India

Airi Lampinen
Stockholm University

Michael Landau
Georgia State University College of Law

Susan Landau
Tufts University

Amy Landers
Drexel University School of Law

Alex Leavitt
Facebook Research

Edward Lee
IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

Mark Lemley
Stanford Law School

Jack Lerner

Karen Levy
Cornell University

Roger Levy

Yvette Joy Liebesman
St. Louis University School of Law

Jacqueline Lipton
Authography LLC

Jessica Litman
University of Michigan

Lydia Loren
Lewis & Clark Law School

Brian Love
Santa Clara University School of Law

Glynn Lunney
Texas A&M University School of Law

Michael Madison
University of Pittsburgh

Matthew J.X. Malady

Lara Markstein

Alice Marwick
UNC Chapel Hill

Stephen Maurer
UC Berkeley

Mark McKenna
Notre Dame Law School

Corynne McSherry

Hiram Meléndez-Juarbe

Kate Miltner
USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

Joseph Mornin
Cooley LLP

Calvin Morrill
UC Berkeley

Lateef Mtima
Institute for Intellectual Property and Social Justice

Bryce Newell
University of Oregon

Annalee Newitz
Author and Journalist

Peter Norvig

Paul Ohm
Georgetown Law School

Ruth Okediji
Harvard Law School

Dotan Oliar
University of Virginia School of Law

Harlan Onsrud
University of Maine School of Computing and Information Science

Kurt Opsahl
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Nina Paley

John Palfrey
Phillips Academy, Andover

Aaron Perzanowski
Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Jim Pitman
UC Berkeley

Ethan Pollock
Brown University

Jedediah Purdy
Columbia Law School

Laura Quilter
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Kevin Quinn
University of Michigan

Justin Reich

Jerome Reichman
Duke Law School

Blake Reid
Samuelson-Glushko Technology Law and Policy Clinic, Colorado Law

Chris Ridder
Ridder, Costa & Johnstone LLP

Jorge Roig
Touro Law Center

Daniel Rosenberg
University of Oregon

Betsy Rosenblatt
Whittier Law School

Jennifer E. Rothman
Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University

Brian Rowe
Seattle University Law & University of Washington Information School

Daniel Rubinfeld
UC Berkeley Law

Matthew Sag
Loyola University of Chicago School of Law

Julie Samuels

Sharon Sandeen
Mitchell Hamline School of Law

Joshua Sarnoff
DePaul University College of Law

AnnaLee Saxenian
UC Berkeley

Rich Schneider
UC San Francisco

Jason Schultz
NYU School of Law

Michael Scott
Southwestern Law School

Jeffrey Selbin
UC Berkeley Law

Lea Shaver
Indiana University

Jonathan Sheehan
UC Berkeley

Stuart Shieber
Harvard University

Stephen M. Silberstein

Jessica Silbey
Northeastern University

Luca Simeone
Aalborg University

Aram Sinnreich
American University

David Sklansky
Stanford Law School

Kevin Smith
University of Kansas

Daniel Solove
George Washington University Law School

Tricia Soto
Menlo College

Christopher Sprigman
New York University School of Law

Peter Stansky
Stanford University

Philip Stark
UC Berkeley

Scott Stern
MIT Sloan School

Ali Sternburg

Victoria Stodden

Mitch Stoltz
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Katherine Strandburg
New York University School of Law

Peter Suber
Harvard University

Stephen Sugarman
UC Berkeley Law

Nicolas Suzor
Queensland University of Technology

Alexander Tabarrok
George Mason University

Stefan Tanaka
UC San Diego

Audrey Thorne

Denise Troll Covey
Carnegie Mellon University

Samuel Trosow
University of Western Ontario

Lokman Tsui

Rebecca Tushnet

Paul Uhlir

Jennifer M. Urban

Siva Vaidhyanathan

Barbara van Schewick
Stanford Law School

Robert Walker

Kimberlee Weatherall
University of Sydney

Jonathan Weiler
UNC Chapel Hill

Phil Weiser
University of Colorado Law School

Steven Weissman
UC Berkeley Law

Yana Welinder

Heather Whitney

John Willinsky
Stanford University

Esther Wojcicki
Palo Alto Schools

Martha Woodmansee
Case Western Reserve University

Christina Xu

Peter Zhou
UC Berkeley

Diane Zimmerman
New York University School of Law